Counselling and Animal Assisted Therapy

Counsellor and Psychotherapist based in Arundel, West Sussex

Counselling and Animal Assisted Therapy

As a empathic, caring counsellor I will help you explore and look at your life and issues you are experiencing. I will enable you to discover the path to travel. As a therapist I will not judge or offer you solutions or advice. Having a safe place can help you acknowledge your strengths and guide you as you discover ways to cope effectively throughout your life. You may be experiencing signs and symptoms linked to anxiety and depression or be suffering from a loss and feeling isolated.

Arunlea Counselling
Arunlea Counselling

What Conditions Can it Help?

Loss of a loved one

Employment or your home




Post Traumatic Stress


Your confidence and self esteem

What Benefits can be Expected?

To feel 'like me again'

To be able to move on and enjoy life

Allow myself the right to be happy

Enjoy better relationships and value them

To gain confidence

Animal Assisted Therapy

Having animals in therapy rooms is increasingly being used to assist people with a wide range of emotional and psychological disorders including depression, recovery from trauma, anxiety and neuroses. The presence of an animal in the therapy room can make sessions more pleasurable and productive, and improve therapeutic outcomes.

Calming and motivating

Clients experience calming effects, brightening of mood, increased self-esteem, stress reduction and increased motivation. Jet or Ruby are also happy to help you, they will listen and not judge or tell you how you should be feeling. Their experience as four legged counsellor's has always been popular with clients.

Listening friends - Jet and Ruby

They have often provided a level of comfort to many. Animal assisted therapy has been proven to aid people as they learn to live without their loved one. My two dogs Jet and Ruby understand how sadness can cause pain. Either of the lovely girls can be available to support you at this sad time. They both love joining in on a therapy session.

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